

Aeronautics was the first area where CISB, founded in 2011, worked as a magnet for relevant actors and activities. In 2014, CISB organized the 1st Brazil-Sweden Workshop in Aeronautics, arranged at ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica) in Sao José dos Campos. With the Brazilian decision to order the Gripen fighter from Saab and Sweden, the cooperation was getting even more focus and it is now organized under a High Level Group with participation from several ministries in each country and a number of actors from the Triple helix community (government, academia and industry).
With the establishment of many long-lasting R&D activities, in addition to the Gripen industrial technology transfer, Aeronautics has gained much attention, worked as a role model and created spin-out to other sectors. Many collaboration partners in both countries have been engaged and their number is still growing.

Main areas

The present main areas are:

The Air Domain Study (ADS), with a focus on unmanned air systems and how such systems can enhance capabilities in society, for civil and/or military use. The ADS includes projects on Human-Machine-Interaction and Human factors, Drone swarms, Safe integration of UAV into the airspace, Image-based navigation, and Autonomous search system.

Planning and initiation of a Virtual Demonstrator, also within the ADS, concerning operation of many drones, using results from the above listed R&D projects, based on mutually agreed objectives. The Air Domain Study is jointly coordinated by Innovair (the Swedish strategic innovation program in Aeronautics) and Brazilian Air Force/Emaer.

Mobility scholarship programs, giving opportunities for PhD students and Postdocs to spend time in the other country.

A guest professor program, where four Swedish professors in different disciplines are engaged at ITA and some other Brazilian Universities.

Cooperation activities between the Aerospace networks SARC (Sweden) and BARINet (Brazil), where a competition was arranged during 2021, with more to follow in 2022, where teams from universities and startups were showing their skills in drone-related innovative solutions.

Participating Triple helix entities

  • Swedish Government Agencies: Swedish Armed Forces/Air Force, FMV, LFV
  • Brazilian Government Agencies: Brazilian Air Force
  • Swedish Universities and Institutes: KTH, LiU, Chalmers, Mälardalen University, RISE
  • Brazilian Universities and Institutes: ITA, IEAv, IAOp, IPEV, DECEA, USP SC, UFSC
  • Swedish Industries: Saab
  • Brazilian Industries: Embraer, Atech, XMobots

For more information on cooperation and activities, please contact: